The further we move through the 2019 season, the more teams will become inter-connected by common opponents; that's something I've discussed before. I believe that after this week's results, I'll finally be comfortable removing the controls I've put in place on these ratings up to this point, and the ratings I share with you will be the unfiltered results of Solver finding the best fit for each team.
For some perspective, here's how ratings for all teams have tracked through the year.
Things are really looking bleak for Toronto right now. Do I believe they won't win a game? They won't if they continue to play as they have, but I bet they'll play well enough in spots to steal a few games away from better teams.
For now, my computer isn't as kind, as the "best-case scenario" is now 0-18.
Finally, the "PROJECTED FINAL" results are getting closer to what we'd expect based on the ratings. Calgary is still two games behind Winnipeg (though they "should be" only one behind), but other than that, everything is back in order.
Based on these standings, we can imagine the postseason will look something like this.
Winnipeg and Hamilton have gone the longest of any teams without a Grey Cup title. Does the idea of a Drought Cup appeal to you? Be sure to leave any thoughts in the comments here, and don't forget to subscribe if you think you'll enjoy keeping track of the CFL this year with me.
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